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Olympia Cycle & Ski, 1813 Portage Ave
Olympia Cycle & Ski, 1813 Portage Ave
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Bike Feature: Electra Coaster 3i
If the dreary, cold weather has been getting you down lately (we'll admit it's not our favourite) feel free to come down to the shop and kick some tires, like the ones on this really sweet Electra Coaster 3i. It's a simple kind of bike that's perfect for crummy days because it has coaster brakes that are uneffected by the wet conditions and its internally geared 3 speed hub is pretected from the elements as well. That simplicity means there's very little to clean off after the wet ride too. The low seat hight provides confidence is slippery conditions and the wide tires help keep the rubber down. Plus, the bike is just plain fun - there's nothing like a simple cruiser to cheer up even the most depressing weather.
We have a couple of these in stock at the moment (one size fits most) with a sale price of $525 - the regular price is $630. Come on down and check it out in the comfort of our warm and dry shop, and maybe pick up some Starbuck's on the way home. Anything to take the chill off.
Bike Feature