This is a pretty darned straight forward bike accessory but one that's still with sharing. Some bikes, even some good quality ones, just don't have 'normal' water bottle braze-ons in the 'normal' places (i.e. the top of the down tube or front of the seat tube) due to size constraints or for other reasons. Or in some cases you just need more than what the bike already has, maybe because you're using the standard braze-ons for other things or maybe because even though they're not being used per se you've taken up too much room near them to properly install a water bottle cage.
Whatever the case one of the simplest ways to get another bottle on your bike is to use the handlebar mount pictured above. It simply clamps onto the bar with the use of one allen key and then your cage bolts down just as it would to regular braze-ons. That's it really, and yet we've managed to type two paragraphs about it, and a third is about to come:
Just like the price tag says these mounts are $9 a pop. We're told that's less than one beer at a Jet's game, and unlike said beer it will actually help keep you hydrated and improve your biking ability. We have plenty in stock now so feel free to grab one anytime.