Cycling Manitoba forwarded this info on to us and would like to get the word out, so please read on:
The Power Smart Manitoba Games are the province's largest ongoing multi-sport program bringing together participants from across the province. The Games are held every two years and alternate between summer and winter sports events. Each set of Games involve upwards of 10,000 athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers.
Where: Swan Valley
When: July 15 - 21, 2012
Who: Athletes ages 11,12,13,14 will be eligible to compete
What: Race Format : Mountain XCO and a Skills Cross Race
We are looking for COACHES in the following regions: · Interlake· Winnipeg · Brandon· Eastman· Portage (Please see Coaching courses posted on the MCA website.) All interested athletes and coaches can register on the Sport Manitoba 2012 Powersmart Games website
If you are interested in coaching, competing, or volunteering please contact the MCA office.