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Olympia Cycle & Ski, 1813 Portage Ave

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Third Eye rear view mirror

Do you ever wonder what that thing is that sounds like its barrelling up behind you at an incredible speed as you slowly ride your bike down the side of the road? It can be a bit unnerving sometimes to be able to hear but not see the things that are approaching you from behind, and almost no bikes come equipped with rear view mirrors. Of course you can purchase mirrors that attach to your bike's handlebar (and we usually have a few of those styles in stock) but as an alternative you can also attach a mirror to your eyeglasses or helmet.

The Third Eye mirror pictured here attaches easily to virtually any helmet and allows you to check out overtaking traffic much like you would in your automobile. For just $17 it can provide with much piece of mind, or let you know when to get off the road in a hurry!