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Olympia Cycle & Ski, 1813 Portage Ave

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Product Review: Nutcase Helmets

Protect your melon! We can remember back to our own childhood days when wearing a bicycle helmet was decidedly uncool. Of course the helmets back then were pretty bad. They weren't comfortable, they were hot, and frankly they looked ugly.

Fast forward a few years and wow, have things changed dramatically. Helmets are way lighter, way more ventilated, they fit way better and more securely, and they actually look nice. What's more, they start at just $50 - $60 or so, which is the same price that some of us paid for an inexpensive helmet model 25 years ago.

Nutcase helmets have taken new helmet design a step further by making fashion a priority and having some real fun. Check out the watermelon design pictured to the left. We have plenty of unique Nutcase designs in stock, and we're pleased to point out that they now also come in child's sizing. You need to come in to the shop to check out all of the great designs for yourself!