The Olympia Cycle & Ski website has moved.

The new address is

(You may have to hit refresh after going to the new address in order to load the new site)

Please update your bookmark.

Thanks, and happy riding!

Olympia Cycle & Ski, 1813 Portage Ave

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Events: Bike to Work Day this Friday, June 25

This email just came into us from Erick Dickson, and it's definitely worth posting here to get the word out:

If you haven't registered yet for the 3rd Annual Bike to Work Day Winnipeg,
then please register now!

It's easy and FREE! Just go to and click
Register in the top right corner then fill in your information. You'll be
entered to win great prizes like a new bike from Natural Cycle.

Then THIS FRIDAY JUNE 25, ride your bike to work. Stop by the Forks from
7:00 - 9:00 AM for a free pancake breakfast. There are also 5 bike oasis
scattered around the city where you can stop for some refreshments and
encouragement then join a group ride to the Forks. Group rides leave each
oasis at 7:15 AM. Click on "Where and When" on the Bike to Work Day webpage
for more details.

It is very important for everyone to register as we want to show how
important cycling is in Winnipeg with a great turn-out. Please forward this
on to all your friends, family and coworkers so that we can make this the
most successful Bike to Work Day Winnipeg yet!

There are also volunteer opportunities still available. Please contact if you would like to help.
Volunteers get Happy Hour all night at the Bike to Work Day After Party at
Lo Pub.