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Olympia Cycle & Ski, 1813 Portage Ave

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Surly Moonlander

Somehow we've been able to keep this one to ourselves for a few months (under strict orders), but word inevitably leaked out from other parts of the cyberworld and Surly finally caved with some official word on their newest creation, so we're now sharing it with you:

Do you think the Surly Pugsley, with its 4" wide tires to be used in snow and sand, is a good idea?  Well then the coming soon Moonlander is a great idea, with 4.5" wide Big Fat Larry tires seated on new Clown Shoe rims (100mm singlewalls).  A new Mr. Whirly offset double crank and a 28mm offset in the frame itself help with chain clearance, and like the Pugsley the front and rear wheels will both use 135mm hubs (which means you can flip the front and rear wheels around at will).  If all of this sounds like Greek to you come by the shop and we can point out the features on the Pugsley we have in stock, and explain how the Moonlander will accommodate even wider tread.

We don't know what availability will be like for the Moonlander yet.  A couple of shop guys (yours truly included) have snapped up a couple of early order framesets (to arrive in fall), and hopefully we'll have access to more as winter approaches.  We'll keep you posted!

Oh, and we should credit the Surly blog with the pic above, which we blatantly copied, cropped, and pasted here.  That's the only image of the Moonlander currently available.